Which is worse a hairline fracture a mild fracture?!

Question: Which is worse a hairline fracture a mild fracture!?
Me & my daughter were in a small car accident and I took her to the hospital and they told me that she had a mild fracture on her lower back could someone tell me wihich one is worse!. a hairline frature or a mild fracture and how longit takes to healWww@Answer-Health@Com

a hairline fracture is a split in the bone but still not broken completely through and shows up in xrays as a thin line and is a minor injury and will heal in 6 to 8 weeks to heal for adults

seeing how your daughter is 4 should heal in bout 4-5 the younger ya are the faster you heal

as for a mild fracture haven't ever heard of this the dr must have meant a hairline or just another way to say it so yeah Www@Answer-Health@Com

It depends on the doctor who is talking!. For the most part they would be minor fractures and I would take both terms to be identical!. If there is no dislocation it will heal on its own, but it's hard to tell how long it will take!. I doubt that your doctor would even know for sure!. It shouldn't have an affect on your daily lives!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

They're basically the same thing, and not very serious at all!. I had a hairline fracture on one of the bones in my forearm, I only had a cast for a week and a half!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A back fracture is tricky because you can't cast it!. It should heal in 6- weeks and ya probably faster considering she is very young!. Follow doctor's orders!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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