Whats wrong with my back// spine pls pls help?!

Question: Whats wrong with my back// spine pls pls help!?
ok ive been exercising and i usually do a lot of back bends and hand stands and i noticed my back is like very painfully sore and has been for at least a week and a half!.!.!. i wanna go to the docs but they might just give me medicine!.!.!. what can i do!? its in the lower middle directly on my spine im 17 kinda thin whats wrong!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your spine is not meant to be bend backwards!. If it is painfully sore you are probably doing to many!. You could be twisting and your spine is now out of alignment!. Take 3 - 4 days off of doing back bends and let it rest!. If you are still in pain, then see a doctor/chiropractor!. You could be doing damage to your spine and you don't want that to happen do you!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

So go to the Doc!.!.!.!.!.!.!.get the medicine and heal!. all medication is not bad!. I would guess, (since I am not a Dr and have not examined you) is that you have strained muscles in your back!. I'd also guess that you would receive a painkiller and muscle relaxer to allow your back to properly heal!. But that is only a guessWww@Answer-Health@Com

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