my ears aren't popping?!

Question: My ears aren't popping?
i tried to pinch my nose and swallow but instead of the pressure bursting out my ears, it escaped somewhere else - not my nose i was pinching hard

tried yawning

tried gum


Your sinuses might be blocked. Get some nose drops or nasal spray - be patient for a couple of days and give them chance to do their magic. Don't do that nip your nose thing you could damage your eardrums.

You don't need to pinch your noes really hard; it's just a light pinch to stop the airflow.

Try drinking a hot drink, like tea or honey & lemon.

Your eustachian tubes that let air travel into your inner ear must be blocked. They should likely pop within a few hours by themselves though.

Try moving your mouth from side to side while pinching your nose

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