I have a really high blood pressure, should i see the doctor ?!

Question: I have a really high blood pressure, should i see the doctor ?
about a week ago me and my dad were checking our blood pressure because we found our blood pressure machine in the cupboard , his came out fine but mine was really high ( it was 170 over 105) and my dad says that i should get my mum to take me to the doctors , she said it wasnt anything to worry about so she didnt take me , today my dad asked me weather my mum had taken me to the doctor but she hadnt so my dad said that i should go
should i go to see a doctor and if i do what would they have to do ???
Thank you (by the way i am only a teenager)


I'm going through the same thing myself. My doctor is still running tests to see if my blood pressure is related to stress, anxiety or some physical cause. I have learned a little along the way.
A person's blood pressure has normal rises and falls at certain times of the day. It also depends on what you were or are doing immediately preceding and during the time your blood pressure is being taken.
Since you have a monitor at home, keep it handy and take your blood pressure at random and various times of the day over a period of several days. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the ground and take five deep breaths. Do not talk, watch t.v. or anything to distract you, just close your eyes and breathe. Keep track for a week or so and if the overall record shows you have chronic high blood pressure, it would be a good idea to go in to see your doctor as it can cause a number of ailments.
If your doctor does diagnose you with chronic high blood pressure, there are measures you can try before resorting to medication. You can lower your sodium intake, you can exercise more, you can learn meditation or biofeedback techniques.
When you see your doctor, ask him/her to do a full workup and blood panel. Yes, they will have to take some blood, but the source of the problem may be an overactive thyroid, your cholesterol level may be high, they can test for liver and kidney function, etc. Insofar as medication, maybe you just need a low level anti-anxiety med along with lower sodium and increased exercise.
Don't let someone just slam you on a drug which may only treat the symptom, not the cause. You may have to make a few lifestyle changes, but now would be the time, when you are a teenager, so you can incorporate those changes into your daily routine and enjoy a very long, healthy, happy life.

Make sure you and your parents check out the side-effects of many high blood pressure medications. Some are called ACE inhibitors, some are called calcium channel blockers, some are vaso-dilators. Each work differently and people react to them differently. Personally, I have chosen to stay off the medication until my tests come back because I had a severe allergic reaction to the ACE inhibitor initially prescribed for me. I have started walking for 30 minutes per day and lowered my BP significantly. Take a pill and have all the side effects or get up off my rear end and take a walk? Duh.

Yes! Your dad is 100% correct! Your BP should be 120/60, so yours is way too high.

BP has a tendency to change from day to day. It you checked yours in a drugstore, you can't rely on those machines at all. What you should do is go to any fire station. They're more than happy to take your BP, and since all firefighters are paramedics, they will advise you what to do.

So either a fire station or the doctor ASAP! :)


Hello, Yes you should get to the Doctors and very fast that is a very high blood pressure. It can cause a lot of problems. Such as Heart attack and stroke. Please get there as quickly as possible. They have medication to help you out. I take it myself every day. Wishing you good luck.


Definitely go to the doctor! My grandpa had high blood pressure and didn't do anything about. he's dead, died of a heart attack. Yours could be nothing, but you shouldn't take any chances!

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