Is masturbation sinful?!

Question: Is masturbation sinful?
In a study conducted by Alfred Kinsey, 93% of adult males and 62% of adult female admitted to having masturbated before. Two University of Chicago Sociologists, and a New York Time science writer, surveyed 3,432 Americans between the ages of 18 and 59, and discovered that 60% of men and 40% of women said they had masturbated within the past year, and one of the authors of that study(with a colleague) reported in a 1967 study that 90% of males and 48% of females had masturbated during their high school years.

Argument for the sin of masturbation (t much to copy paste):…

What do you think? Is it a sin? Is it normal? If it's not a sin and it's basically normal, at what point would it become abnormal? If it is a sin, how would you deal with a wayward child? Oh... and is it only sinful in the eyes of some Christians or are there other religions that part or whole consider it a sin?


For me at least, masturbation is not sinful. If is a perfectly normal and natural human experience. Dancing, singing, and speaking have all been considered sinful by different religions at different times. There are those who believe that the only enjoyment in life should come from religion and it is that mindset that turns activities such as masturbation into a sinful activity. You will notice that most of the time you hear someone talking about the sin of masturbation they will say the only way to avoid it is though prayer/bible study.
If one want to argue through scripture the some of the best anti-masturbation bible quotes can be read the opposite way. Such as 1 Cor. 7:3 which roughly boils down to "Husbands and wives should satisfy each other’s sexual needs." The argument here is that sex is not for your enjoyment but for the enjoyment of your partner. Well in order to satisfy my partner’s needs I need to be in touch with my own sexuality so that I can understand hers. The results in a pro masturbation viewpoint that doubles as an unintended biblical pun "To know another well ,you must first know yourself"
There is a point though were masturbation can go past the levels of a healthy experience. When masturbation begins to get in the way of your relations with others you are starting to get away from a healthy point. So if a child is staying in their room all day to masturbate as has stopped doing other activities they previously enjoyed you may want to have a talk with them about it. If you have to have this talk I would recommend doing it in a manor that doesn’t stigmatize masturbate but makes the point of the dangers of too much of something, it not that much different that a child who stays inside and watches TV all day or some other activity.
As for other religions view on the topic. Sexuality in general is one of the most debated parts of religion and masturbation is a key part of that debate. I would bet that you could find two members of nearly every religion on earth who would disagree about masturbation.

Masturbation is perfectly natural. I think only the Western culture has degraded it to the point where if you touch yourself a kitten somewhere dies. It would be abnormal the day you look at a man and noticed that the right arm is muscular while the left one isn't. I think only Christians designate masturbating as a "sin," considering that no other cultures that I know of don't try to make it into some sort of evil.

Nope. Sex is s gift from God meant to be enjoyed to its fullest... 40% of the men and 60% of the women are lying and/or sexually repressed. It is a sin if you do it in public or during a religious ceremony. Many repressed cultures and religions consider it a sin... that doesn't seem to keep them from doing it though. Maybe the guilt factor comes into play here... heightening the eroticism of it?

Sin does not exist it is just a metaphor of an action that is labeled 'bad' by a religion. According to the bible masturbation is sinful, but I'm sure even the people who wrote the bible slayed the one eyed snake a few times themselves.

So no masturbation is not bad, go right ahead!

Masturbation is natural. It is not a sinful. It is source of relaxation of your human's body. Some time we have do the masturbation. It can do not harm your body.

doctor's opinion

depends on the religion. some regard it as sinful others take a more relaxed view. nature has many animals apart from man masturbating .so in effect it is a normal response much like eating or sleeping.

If masturbation was a sin i would be going to hell a million times over


unless you do it in church

The phrase I've just quoted comes from the Talmud, the commentary on the Jewish scriptures. The Reverend Chad Varah, the saintly man who founded The Samaritans - the befriending and suicide prevention service that has saved so many lives - said that lonely people should masturbate and that they should thank God for the ability to pleasure themselves with their own bodies. The illiterate git who wrote the text that you refer to has got something very wrong with his twisted little mind. The life of Jesus - whose first miracle was turning water into wine, and who went to parties with undesirable people and mixed with the people whom polite society turned their back on - has been corrupted and twisted by the writings of Paul of Tarsus, who was one deeply troubled man.

You don't really think that God cares what you do with your genitals, do you? as long as you don't use them to treat other people as objects, which really is a sin. He's got quite enough on his plate with wars and people hating one another, and rich people feeling self-satisfied and giving to other rich people and ignoring the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the innocents on Death Row ... now that's sin for you, and every religion and every ethical framework will tell you that's wrong and that's where you should be directing your attention.

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