How can I manage at home after my gallbladder surgery?!


How can I manage at home after my gallbladder surgery?

After much waiting and anxiety, I've finally had my gallbladder surgery today. Now I'm at home and leaning to the left to alleviate pain when I type, walk and crawl in/out of bed. {As you know, the surgeons WANT you to walk around afterwards} This doesn't seem like it's good for me to do. Please tell me how I can cope with my situation effectively. What worked for you? What didn't work?

{I'm doing better because I'm regularly taking my pain meds. Nonetheless I have to limit what I can do out of pain. Thanks for answering my question(s) on the laproscopic procedure. ^_^ }


Believe it or not, being up and about as much as you can stand, and pushing that a little, is the absolute best thing you can do. If you had the surgery this morning and are already home, on meds and moving around enough to type here, bravo to you! The more you can be up moving the less the amount of time you are actually in pain because the gas will pass quicker and things won't get stiff and sore. Lay about and rest, don't go in for anything major and leave the spring cleaning until next month. Eat a blandish diet, you want to avoid all fats you can at this point, and any food which tends to give you looser stools or gas. I'm thinking the cabbage family and corn, raisins and prunes obviously. Pamper yourself a bit, lay on the bed or couch with a good book or watch a film, at least for the next couple days. Eat what you like when you like, according to your appetite, keep funny hours if needed. But from the sounds of it, you are managing better than most do, and that's good for you. Hat's off to you, most go home and lay in the bed moaning the first day, and suffer worse the second. Move as much as you think you can, maybe just a squidge more, and you should be flying in no time at all.

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