Small toe and ball of foot pain. What can I take to stop he pain.?!


Small toe and ball of foot pain. What can I take to stop he pain.?

I have a opium patch on my leg for pain for something else.I take pain killers but this pain killer doesn.t have any effect at alland pain is unbearable. Its a burning sensation in he ball of the foot and tiny toel I have been to the doctors and they dont say a word but the pain persists.

Additional Details

4 days ago
The patchis fo arthritis which is all over my body. This pain has started in \June and defies all mediucines. I have spoken to a rheumaltoloist about it and also my G\p butthey hav offered no help on his.


Ask an osteopath (bone doctor) if a toe splint would relieve the pain. I had swelling in the ball of my foot that was forcing my toes out of line and it felt like sewing needles being jabbed into my toes all the time. He showed me how to tape down one toe and it brought all the others into line. That and hard sole shoes got rid of the pain in about 2 weeks.

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