My arm really hurts?!


My arm really hurts?

I was at swim practice today and I was swimming and suddenly my arm collided really hard with my friends head. She was fine but after we collided my arm felt like it was broken. I couldn't move it and I had to hold it while I was swimming, the feeling went away but now the area between my hand and my wrist is bruised and hurts to be pressed or rubbed on. What do you think is wrong.

Additional Details

5 days ago
And what should I do for it like should I wear an elastic bandage and ice it, I don't really know what I should do for it.

5 days ago
I'm also 14 by the way and I'm really active in the summer, and this was my left arm, I also have a sports physical next week so if I need to go to the doctor I can get it checked than but what can I do in the summer, should I keep swimming or would it be bad for my arm

5 days ago
My wist also cracks and pops when I twist it to the side


It sounds like it's just bruised. Ice, ibuprofen, and an ace bandage may help. It should get better with rest fairly soon.

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