Coffee withdrawal?!


Coffee withdrawal?

So i was late to work today, so i rushed, and forgot to eat breakfast, which has included coffee for the past 5 years.

so now, i have a terrible headache, and my eyes hurt from the headache.

I ate, but did not have any caffeinne today.

I got home, and had some tea, since it has some caffeinne,
then i took 2 aspirins, and 3 Ibuprofens.
10 mins later i had a coca-cola and a tylenol.

and now i'm on my 6th cup of coffee.

is this healthy???

Additional Details

1 week ago
I am not trying to get rid of coffee from my diet, it just so happens that today i woke up 10 mins before a meeting,

so i didn't have anything until 1:00.

and the water is helping. Thanks

1 week ago
I drink about a cup of coffee a day,
but since my headache was really bad today,
i drank a lot to make it go away.

and since my body is so used to coffee, it actually helps me go to sleep.


there are no proven signs that caffiene is bad for you, unless you have a heart problem. caffiene is actually a good stimulant for metabolism raising and focusing. however, it can make you hyper. caffiene does have a nasty withdraw, severe headaches, and sometimes nausea. When you have missed yout normal daily dosage, just take an ibruprofen, and drink something high;y caffienated. If this has scared you, and you want to cut back, just slowly cut back your intake. you may have a headache or two for a day or two, but they will go away.

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