Its an Emergency????!


Its an Emergency????

ok what should i do if i just cut my finger with glass while washing dishs whats the best thing i can do..i put cold water on it...but im not sure is there still glass in it
it hurts like H.E double hokey stick and rite now i have a cotton ball and a band aid did i do the rite thing oh and i also put alcohol on it.Did i do Right???


You did fine.

Unless the cut is rather deep and large, you probably don't need stitches. Costmetically, you may benefit from a stitch or two (depending on the size again) to reduce heal time and scarring.

Just a little forewarning, the cotton ball will probably stick to the cut (the blood will clot to the surface and around the fibers). That is, however, not a major concern.

Keep an eye on it the next few days for infection. An OTC like neosporin can help with both reducing potential for infection as well as speeding up the healing process.

If you're still concerned, or if the cut appears not to be healing properly or infected, schedule a visit with your physician.

Good work, and good luck.

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