My face keeps falling asleep?!

Question: My face keeps falling asleep?
Lately, my face has become tingly especially right after i eat. Sometimes my eye twitches too. It seems to last for about an hour and then it goes away. I feel rather foggy headed for a while too. I really don't like it and want to know if it could be something serious. Some people have told me that it's possibly stress/anxiety attacks. It seems to happen at work mostly but I have experienced it other places as well. Last week, it didn't happen at all. Then, this week it started again. Could it be triggered by diet? Surroundings? Does it sound mental, or neurological? I would go to the doctor but it seems too vague of i don't have a primary physician so i would have to go to the Walk in clinic where they are not really prepared to answer questions like this. Any ideas as to what might be going on?


Various things it could be, but I doubt your physician would be dismissive, these are well-documented problems. Even if the walk-in clinic said 'it's nothing, go home', that would not be a bad thing to know.

On the list could be:

Bell's Palsy (facial nerve palsy), which could be a result of an infection or inflammation somewhere in the head, usually associated with ear infections or head colds. But it can occasionally signify a problem in the brain.

Trigeminal neuralgia, which could perhaps be related to a gut irriation, hence becoming apparent after food, although the relationship is complex.

Some kind of nutritional deficiency, this may relate to the fasciculation (eye twitching), eg magnesium.

Reaction to a dental anaesthetic, sometimes the drug can lodge in the nerves of the face leaving lingering symptoms.

Dizziness could relate to inner ear and/or upper neck joint function.

Worth considering teeth, ears, eyes, jaw joint (TMJ), sinuses, and upper neck function. Perhaps see an osteopath or chiropractor? Good nutritional therapist, naturopath, homoepath, acupuncturist perhaps? It doesn't have to be a nonchalent and dismissive medical clinic. Either way, if is lasting more than a few days, getting worse or you are having many repeat episodes, or if there are any other unusual symptoms then you should get it checked.

On occasion metal fillings can have some strange effects, personally I am not a fan of putting toxins like mercury in the body, they do cause problems, but that doesn't mean it is responsible in this case.

Are you exposed to any other toxins? eg agricultural chemicals etc.

Some neurological diseases can cause this. Intrerestingly, stress can cause you to become deficient in essential fatty acids, which are normally obtained in the diet, and are vital for good nerve function.

Hyperventillation, or over-breathing - even a low level that you are not aware of - can cause tingling in the face, lips, hands, headaches and palpitations etc. See buteyko method for exercises to help this, but try ot understand where this stress is coming from - it can be nutritional, environmental, toxic, emotional, occupational etc etc

Lastly, are you on any medication? And don't forget sprays, creams, inhalers, drops, recent vaccinations, over the counter meds, etc etc. If so, then check the leaflets or on the web for known side-effects and reactions.

Hope that's interesting, even better if it helps you find the answer.

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