There is a twitching in my right knee that has persisted for a couple of days. S!


There is a twitching in my right knee that has persisted for a couple of days. Should I be concerned?

This twitch (what feels like my knee is beating like a heart) is located a little above my right knee and a little to the left. Has this happened to anyone before and is this something to be concerned with? I know this is a weird question, but it is really bothering me. Not only is it super distracting but you can also see my leg "beating" through my pants leg. It's kind of freaky. Any suggestions?

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2 weeks ago
Ok, first of all thanks for everyone who responded so quickly! I think my muscles may be overtired because I have been doing intense yard work for a few days now. I really hope this goes away seeing as I do not have health insurance right now. In the meantime, I guess I will be eating plenty of bananas!


For some reason your muscle is spasming. Sounds like you need a good dose of potasium. Just eat a banana a day for a few days and it should ease up. This usually happens if you stretched it wrong or twisted wrong. It does not necessarily have to be painful but has your muscle in that area in a tizzy. You can try some ice and then heat, ice for 10 min on and 20 min off for 24 hours and then heat (moist heat is best) from then on. Hope this helps!

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