Please help?!


Please help?

i got into a fight and i got a black eye..along with my eye ball being red (the white part) its the right part of my left eye thats red. i think a blood vessle poped? i can still see, its been like 2-3 days and its still there should i worry about it? or will it just go away after time?

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2 weeks ago
i dont think so...i can see the blood in my eye and its not getting any worce..but it dont look like its getting any better either?


What you have is a subconjunctival hemorrhage. Or a bleed in the white part of eyeball which call the conjunctiva. This will go away on it's own. Other causes, other than traumatic, are severe coughing or vomiting.

As long as your vision is not affected and you do not see double, you should be fine.

Otherwise, you can see a regular primary doctor if you need some to look at it.

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