How to stop the sting of Capsasum?!


How to stop the sting of Capsasum?

I got capsasum on my hands and face 2 days ago and I am STILL on fire and swollen. I have scrubbed with soap and water; I've soaked my hands in ice water... but the swelling and the burning sensation wont seem to go away. is there anything I can do to make that go away and stop burning???

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2 weeks ago
I tried milk - but thank you. Someone mentioned buttermilk and I tried that - someone else mentioned oatmeal and I've tried that too. <<Sigh>> I just need some relief LOL


Actually, once the volatile oil has been absorbed into your skin, there's not a whole lot you can do, but at two days you're almost at the point where the effects have peaked and will begin to diminish. In the meantime, stay out of the sun if you can; even the heat through a car windshield while driving will bring back the firey feeling in your hands after it begins to feel better otherwise.

There are some over-the-counter remedies in drug stores that are intended for poison ivy contact, but since capsicum and the oil on poison ivy leaves are similar as far as how they're absorbed, it might be worthwhile to at least read the labels. If they're intended for several hours after exposure rather than an immediate surface wipe, they may help.

Hang in there. It's miserable, but self-limiting, and you'll soon be on the downside.

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