Anemic and on meds but not feeling better. . .?!


Anemic and on meds but not feeling better. . .?

I found out like a month ago I'm anemic. I'm taking 325mg of ferrious sulfate (spelling) a day. The average female is only supposed to have 18 mg of iron a day. The doctor told me that after about a week I'd feel better. I wouldnt be as sleepy or anything. Well its been like 3 1/2 weeks since I started taking the meds and I dont feel better. Actually I feel worse. I'm now sleeping 10-12 hours of sleep a night and during the day I end up falling asleep again for 1-2 hours. I dont know what to do. I was told to take a cool shower to keep myself awake (dont work) and I was told to go for a walk to stay awake. I get sleepy again as soon as I get our the shower or back from my walk. What should I do? Could something else be wrong?

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2 weeks ago
No she didnt tell me what's causing it. The only other time in my life I was anemic what when I miscarried 4 years ago. My periods arent heavy. So I dont know what it is.


You need to find out why your anemic. And the fact that your tired can be a sign of a low blood count. Your red blood cells carry oxygen to your body which is like food. If that number is low, your body will not have the energy it needs. The dose of iron your taking is common, if not on the low side. I've given three times that amount patients. The only side effect that you need to be concerned about it constipation. Another factor would be just how low your blood count was. You may have benefited from blood transfusion instead of a slow gradual rebuilding with Iron pills. Which will take a while. You need to talk to your doctor, tell him how you feel, and have your blood count checked again to see if your making progress.

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