Is it procedure that during a hernia operation the patient under anesthetic woul!


Is it procedure that during a hernia operation the patient under anesthetic would normally be strapped down?


From what I've seen in the OR, if a patient is anesthetized, they are strapped to the table for safety reasons. You really wouldn't want to fall off of the OR table during a procedure. Surgeons sometimes have to manipulate patient positions and surgery tables for optimum efficiency during operations, so being strapped to the table aids in safety procedures. Restraining unconscious patients may seem a bit barbaric, but safety straps are ethically acceptable in the medical field, and there is implied consent when patients undergo their procedures that they will accept restraints as "positioning devices" in order to achieve the goals of the surgeries. However, restraints other than patient positioning devices, such as four-point leather restraints used to aid in containing combative patients, must have a physician's order and consent from a patient's family or power of attorney.

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