Pain in the region of the pancreas.?!


Pain in the region of the pancreas.?

Since the last year i have digestive problems that come and go. Actually i tougth it was over with but surprise after 3 months feeling great it came back. Symptoms are: it start with a ligth pain in the pancreas region, followed by energie lost, after a day or 2 muscular pain just beneath my ribs and sometimes it goes all the way to the back. My appetite is good but can have difficulty to digest, no diarrea but my excrement can be very dark. This can last 1 week and disapear completely after. Usually come back every 2-3 month.
I pass some test but they found nothing. (gastroscopy, ecography).

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
no i have never been checked for gallbladder.


It could be a whole bunch of things...

1) pancreatic cancer
2) various liver problems
3) spleen problem
4) gall bladder stones
5) muscle strain
6) stomach ulcer
7) heart attack
8) lower left lung problems

The only safe thing to do, is to go to a doctor and have this checked out until you're satisfied they've found the source of the pains. Pains are a definite signal to you to have it checked out. If I had my "wild" guess and you're an ordinarily healthy person, I would say gallstones. But see a doctor (when you have the pains) either way.

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