Is there anything that makes wounds heal quick?!


Is there anything that makes wounds heal quick?

i got really bad blisters that all opened while walking a distance wearing brand new flip-flops with vinyl straps, yeah wasnt my choice but my mom made me get out of the car and walk home which was far enough.

they really hurt and so i was wondering if there is anything i can do or put on my feet to make them heal quicker?

since its so bad that i can see from the wounds where the straps were. . . .
yeah its kinda sick but anyways...
any help?


1. First thing is to avoid putting any further pressure or shearing on the areas that are blistered.

2. AVOID using antibacterial lotions, soaps, ointments or washes. These are shown to slow healing as they are toxic to healing tissue and actually kill off all the nice new little cells that are trying to grow. (that stinging feeling not good!)

3. Wash very well with clean warm boiled water (cold water sows healing as tissue will only heal at body temperature - each time you cool a wound you have to wait for it to come back to body temp to restart the healing process)

4. Wounds heal 40% faster when they are kept moist. You can buy special blister dressings at the pharmacy that stay on for up to 7 days. When you remove these the areas are generally 99% healed with new skin. These are semi occlusive (they allow the wound to breathe a tiny bit) but are waterproof. They look like a cloudy coloured thick white or yellowish pad that is like a thick saran wrap. They protect the wound from further trauma, they keep the wound moist, keep it warm and lock out bacteria.

5. The area under the dressing will often look a but mukky - they get a bubble of exudate (fluid) under but this fluid has healing properties and will help to kill off any bacteria and eat up and old dead cells/skin from the blister. You do not have to remove this dressing unless this fluid leaks out or if it has been on for a week.

6. Antibiotic Ointment or Powder or Neosporin WILL NOT cause faster wound healing. The use of topical antibiotics is not recommended in most wounds and will not prevent deep infection in the wound. It can cause sensitivities and allergies to occur.

7. The signs and symptoms of infection are:
redness spreading, odour from the wounds that is really yukky, swelling, increase in pain, nasty stuff coming from the wound (not just a bit of fluid under the dressing), heat and generally feeling unwell. Watch out for these signs.

8. Dont let the wound dry out and form a scab - this causes much longer wound healing.

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