Pain in Spine and when Breathing Deep?!


Pain in Spine and when Breathing Deep?

I have been a nurse for 3 years now and I lift people 5 days out of the week. Some are sorta heavy but I try to avoid overdoing it. Haven`t had this problem before but my spine is aching and when I take a real deep breath, it hurts. Is this normal for my body getting used to lifting this much or should I see a doctor?
I have also seen 2 other nurses quit as a result of back problems. Is there any way for me to become better at lifting people without hurting myself?


Diana hit it on the probably have a thoracic vertebrae out of alignment. I would recommend you see a chiropractor to assess your spine and put it back in place. Normally I am not a big fan of chiro's but they do a good job of putting mis-aligned vertebrae back in place. If things dont get in order after a few visits to the chiro then you should then move on to seeing a manual physical therapist, b/c there may be more to it then just a vertebrae out of alignment.

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