National Registry exam for Paramedics?!


National Registry exam for Paramedics?

Anyone out there a nationally certified EMT-P? I'm about to finish the Illinois paramedic program, and they only have a state of IL test. We are not required to be nationally certified, although many surrounding states DO require it. I am from KY originally, and would like one day to move back down there to work. So, from what I gather, the practical stations at the NR exam are the killer. What can you tell me about them? Are the proctors really that hard or is it the guidelines? How is the written test, and how much did it cost? What study tips can you give, and do you think I should take the NR exam straight out of medic class? Thanks.


The best time to take National Registry is right out of medic school! That's when you're at your sharpest...

From what I remember, the written and practical test cost me about $150.

Sure, the practical stations are nerve racking, but you can download the skill sheets off the National Registry website and memorize the crap out of them. When taking the practical, make sure to verbalize all the skills that you do, just in case the proctor was looking down at the checksheet and didn't see you wipe the IV site with an alcohol prep. Also, be sure to put your sharps in the sharps box right after you are finished with it. That's a big failure point.

The written test has recently switched to a computerized format, so I don't know much about it. I took the standard pen-and-paper written exam. From what I do remember, don't forget your basic skills. Remember, to start with the most simple and basic procedure and work your way up. Oxygen first! OPA before intubation, and scene safety before all! That helped me to pass my written test.

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