How well do nose bites heal in the long term?!


How well do nose bites heal in the long term?

Looks like I've been in a physical altercation with another person. They ended up crunching down on my nose with their teeth. The wound broke the skin in several places, tore open a nostril, punctured the outer wall of my nose, and left what I can best describe as a crushing bruise in other spots. The cartilage was probably damaged but I'm hardly a doctor.

At the hospital I was given a tetanus shot, some antibiotics and some painkillers.

I has been almost a month. The swelling is gone, and so is the redness. The shape of my nose seems mostly normal again but there is dark pigmentation where the wound once was. I don't know if this means the cartilage is still healing but I was wondering if the original color will ever return.

And no one has told me to, but should I get another tetanus shot every 10 years from now on or what?


For the tetanus shot, it depends on what area of the country you live in. Tetany is a constant muscle contraction. There is an organism that lives underground which can get into the sole of your foot (if it is punctured). This organism then causes tetanus in muscles, starting with the jaw muscles (Lock Jaw). In the northern half of the country where there is a winter that actually snows, you could live with getting one every ten years if you tend to run around barefoot all the time. I haven't had one for a while, but I am not about to run around barefoot outside. In the lower states, you should get one about every 7 years.

As for the healing of cartilage, this would take many years, since cartilage doesn't have its own supply of vessels. The darkness probably will go away soon. I figure the darkness is still the Red Blood Cells in the area, much like a bruise. But without seeing it myself, I cannot be sure.

If you are happy with the shape of it, I wouldn't worry about the coloration of it.

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