Chest pain?!


Chest pain?

I am having some chest pain. The pain occurs right behind my sternum in the middle of my chest. My chest is not sensitive to touch, and I do not feel any bruising. The pain usually happens when I first sit up, or turn while laying down on my back. Sometimes, raising my arms or stretching them hurts my chest also. When i turn my neck to the left it also hurts.
The pain is mild and dull. I have taken tylenol and ibuprofen to try to ease the pain. The pain has been occuring for two days.

I was just wondering If it could be a pulled muscle or something similar, or If i should seek medical help. Thanks for your time

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
For the record. I am 20 years old. I have had no history of chest pains. The pain started after I woke up one morning.


Sounds like a pulled muscle to me. Gently rub the area-shoulder/back (right behind the chest) and the chest area. Soak in epsom salt. Use a heating pad. I have had that same pain and when I get rubbed in my back sometimes I can feel the pain in my chest. You can also soak a washcloth in epsom salt and apply to the area. Tiger Balm helps me too. Also move your arms back and forth the way you would if you were power walking. This can help with the pain and sort of work it out.

Also with heart attacks you never know. Here are is a website about heart attacks. My husband very close friend at the age of 29 suddenly out of nowhere collapsed and died of a heart attack. He had not had any chest pains previously. The austopsy showed that his heart was three times the size it should be. He appeared to be in perfectly good health to us-we were completely shocked. So when it comes to chest pain, you should take the safe route and get it checked out.

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