Nerve Damage?!


Nerve Damage?

I have something wrong with my knee, I think. Aside from constantly hurting and having trouble standing up from a squatting or kneeling position, when I sit on a bus with me knees into my chest, my left leg goes numb within 5-10 minutes. Is that a sign or potential nerve damage or a pinched merve? Or am I just going insane? Any insight would be lovely.

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
It gets numb when I sit regularly sometimes too.


Does the numbness only come when you have your knee to your chest? What that tells me is that you are compressing your sciatic nerve, probably b/c you have tight muscles in your butt. Dont be alarmed...all you need to do is to focus on stretching your butt muscles and hamstring. Hopefully that will resolve the situation.

I still dont think that there is anything to be worried about with the numbness. Thats the best I can do without actually being able to evaluate you..sorry

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