Is it wrong to be forthright in asking a doctor for medication?!


Is it wrong to be forthright in asking a doctor for medication?

I sprained my ankle a week and a half ago. I made an appointment to see a podiatrist, who couldn't see me until today. All he did for me was give me an ace bandage and told me to exercise it. I told him my foot bothered me at night and it was hard to sleep. He sent me off saying take some ibuprofen and i'll be fine. Well here I am on sleepless night 5. I've become an insomniac due to the pain and other stress. I'm moving in 2 days and also going on a big trip in a week. I can go see my general practioner tomorrow...would it be wrong to say doc i really need somethign to help me sleep.

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3 weeks ago
yes i am looking for a legal way to get drugs...thats what my question is. do you think that's wrong? i actually do think i need them bc i haven't slept in 5 days


It is not wrong to ask for what you want, however, many doctors do not like to be told what to prescribe.

Most doctors will not prescribe pain medication past 24 hours of a sprain.

Basically, what the podiatrist told you is true: wrapping it and using a NSAID is the usual way to treat a old sprain. It takes up to 6 weeks for a sprain to heal and not be painful.

Some things that might help: a glass of milk, elevating your leg and foot on pillows, taking IBU every four hours while awake, alternating heat and cold packs. Exercise by stretching and rotating your ankle while taking a warm bath.
The more you walk on it, the worse it will hurt at night.

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