Please somebody tell me what this is lol?!


Please somebody tell me what this is lol?

Hiya, at the back of my throat (well as far back as the eye can see) i have a white lump on the side of the 2 semi circle parts of the thoat (not the dangly bit, but on either side of it) it is really painful and has givin me a fever, and has made me feel very dizzy, and no matter if i lay down or sit or stand i seem to be just as dizzy.

does anyone know what it is, that i have? i thought i had the flu, but it is this thing in my throat that is making me feel sick, because anytime i swallow, the white lump touches the dangly bit, and goes back my throat a bit.

(if anyone understands what i mean lol, please reply if you know what it is, and if there is any way of getting my throat better again)

thanks for any genuine answers

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
Cali_wife12306 :- thanks very much for that link, thankfully the white spots are not as bad than what it is on that picture.

thanks again


3 weeks ago
Big Ste <sledge1uk> :- hope your little girl recovers well from getting her tonsils.
all the best

3 weeks ago
*forgot to finish off that message lol* getting her tonsils 'out'



This is what it sounds like to me. The link has pictures too, so you can see if it looks similar. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better.

Here's a tip: when I had it I'd alternate eating a Popsicle, then drinking hot tea. The cold helps make it less sensitive to the pain, and the warm helps with the swelling. Also, gargling warm salt water helps kill the bacteria. Its a good thing to do till you can get to see a doctor.

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