How soon after bumping your head can you go to sleep?!


How soon after bumping your head can you go to sleep?

My almost 8 year old son banged his head on the headboard just before bedtime. He hit it pretty hard. How long should I keep him awake afterwards, to make sure he is OK? We checked him out there appears to be no lump. We applied ice to it. It's now been almost an hour since it happened and he says the spot where he hit it is sore. It seems sensitive to the touch. There still appers to be no lump or bruise, but it's hard to tell for sure because of his hair. There has been no bleeding. We checked his "memory" by asking him simple and sometimes trick questions, which he always answered right. We checked his pupils, and they react to light as they should. If we go in to check on him every 2-3 hours, is it ok to let him go to sleep within an hour of it happening? Or should we keep him awake longer?


He seems okay, but I'd take him to the ER just to make sure he doesn't have a concussion or anything else.

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