Please look at my spider bite?!


Please look at my spider bite?

I have been researching online spider bites and I have read that I do not need to see a doctor until I cannot stand the pain or if I feel nausea/vomit..etc, I feel perfectly fine. I think that my spider bite is a few days old, it at first itched, then it swelled up now the swelling has gone done but is red and feels quite hard. I didn't see the spider that bit me, it must have been while I was sleeping because I never noticed anything. I am just wondering if anyone who really knows this stuff can tell me if its getting better or if it's the same tomorrow if I should go to see a nurse. Or what can I do myself to speed up the healing process? Also it only hurts if I press against it.

The picture didn't come out clear but I tried to zoom in on it. It's on the side of my wrist, smaller then an inch wide and tall. Thanks.


Although it sounds from what you said that it's healing the picture looks revolting.

It looks exactly like an abcess has formed.

Go and see your Doctor. It's not looking good. And needs treatment.

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