My elbow...............?!


My elbow...............?

ok so its raining and being the dumb person i am i went outside and rode my bike, then i stood up on the seat while it was moving. and then i kinda fell off into a puddle. now my elbow and arm and fingers hurt like so bad and its hard to move my fingers. wat did i do to my body this time.

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3 weeks ago
i can type fast wit one hand too!

3 weeks ago
sry lori, but im just active and hyper all the time i have to get my energy out sometime.

3 weeks ago
lol i was wearing flip flops while standing on the seat too, lol im so stupid.


Why would you ride your bike when it was raining outside?! I hope you were wearing a helmet because that's dangerous... Your elbow might be strained, go to the doctor.

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