Can anyone identify an knee injury?!


Can anyone identify an knee injury?

Hi i have been skating for a while now and i continue to ride regular which means my left leg is in front well whenever i fall it happens to be on my left knee which resulted in a pop in my knee whenever i bend it. I have about 6 scars on the left side of my knee from each injury.

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3 weeks ago
thanks for all the helpful answers they are appreciated! I still run with the injury, its only uncomfortable SOMETIMES but normally its fine. it just really bugs me that my left knee pops more than my right...


You may have the same problem I have. I have a disease known as Osgood-Schlatters Disease. I have the exact same problem. I have been to the doctor about it. It is something you can inherit from somewhere in your family. It cannot be healed. You just learn to live with it. It gets better over time. My mother is 37 and still has it from when she was 14. She says as you get older the less painful it becomes.

Osgood Schlatters disease is a very common cause of knee pain in everyone. It is a condition where the bony protrusion below the knee (called the tibial tuberosity or tubercle) becomes inflamed, painful and swollen.

I hope this helped!

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