Most effective pain meds for Lupus?!


Most effective pain meds for Lupus?

Is a stronger pain medicine like tylenol+codeine or vicodin more effective for a connective tissue disorder than a weaker pain med like Darvocet in addition to a muscle relaxer like soma?

I'd prefer to take 1 medicine [just a stronger pain med] than 2 [darv + soma]. But maybe that's not as effective? anyone have specific experience with this?


Pain management in lupus is an ongoing issue. I hope you get a pain management specialist. The problems are: you have to change meds from time to time because you build up tolerance and many of the meds tear up your stomach.

I know it sucks to take the number of pills we have to take, but it does help if you change your thinking a little. Instead of "oh this sucks, I am taking ANOTHER pile of pills for the lupus" think "I am thankful I live in a place where I can get these meds that keep me alive and relieve my pain."

Try to get moderate exercise. Exercise causes your body to make endorphins which are natural opiates.

Learn meditation. Stress makes lupus worse. Meditation calms it.

Drink plenty of water, it lubricates the joints.

Pay attention to your nutrition. Avoid junk.

Moist heat helps the most.

Best wishes.

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