How many pulses do we have in our body?!


How many pulses do we have in our body?

I know there are a lot of places we can take our pulse other than the neck and wrist. Does anyone know how many pulses we have and where they are located on the body?

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3 weeks ago
Because of Matt's answer, I'm checking every part of my body for the pulses, lol.


You have several other pulse points in your body and these are it
radial pulse - located on the thumb side of the wrist (radial artery)
ulnar pulse - located on the little finger side of the wrist (ulnar artery)
carotid pulse - located in the neck (carotid artery). The carotid artery should be palpated gently. Stimulating its baroreceptors with vigorous palpitation can provoke severe bradycardia or even stop the heart in some sensitive persons. Also, a person's two carotid arteries should not be palpated at the same time, to avoid a risk of fainting or brain ischemia.
brachial pulse - located between the biceps and triceps, on the medial side of the elbow cavity; frequently used in place of carotid pulse in infants (brachial artery)
femoral pulse - located in the thigh (femoral artery)
popliteal pulse - located behind the knee in the popliteal fossa, found by holding the bent knee. The patient bends the knee at approximately 120°, and the physician holds it in both hands to find the popliteal artery in the pit behind the knee.
dorsalis pedis pulse - located on top of the foot (dorsalis pedis artery)
tibialis posterior pulse - located in the back of the ankle behind the medial malleolus (posterior tibial artery).
temporal pulse - located on the temple directly in front of the ear (temporal artery)

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