How do you get rid of a scar?!


How do you get rid of a scar?

I have a scar on my leg, its not one of those like cut open with a knife scars, I scrapped my leg and it was bleeding and everything, now it recovered and has a brown mark where it used to be, how do I get rid of it. It shows when i wear shorts...


The tanning answer is completely wrong. Sun is actually the worse thing you can expose a new scar too. I have a lot of scars from knee surgeries and I use Mederma for small scars. You can get it at any drugstore. For a large scar on my knee from a major operation I use a silicon scar sheet. You can find small ones in the first aid isle of the drugstore, but if you scare is larger than about 2 inches, you may need to look elsewhere. I got mine from this website They are expensive, but last forever and work great at fading scars.

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