How long does it take for a wound to heal?!


How long does it take for a wound to heal?

ok well i put rubbing alcohol on my face and i stuck it on my face with a piece of napkin soaked in the alcohol. I woke up this morning and the spot turned brown! i rubbed it off & now it looks like if i scraped my face [like scraping your knee] i was wondering how long does it take for it to heal and please tell me it wont leave a scar.
btw does resting and sleeping help your wound heal faster?

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4 weeks ago
well its a wound now.
there was a zit there before thats why i put the alcohol on it.
&& no i want to know if the wound can heal by itself and how long the process can take.

4 weeks ago
c'mon people i wanna know how many days
ok i dont wanna beg anymore sry.

4 weeks ago
ok, i dont want to use neosporin because i dont want any side effects to happen thats why im not putting anything on it so stop recommending neosporin.
well what about tea tree oil?

4 weeks ago
ok the wound is about 1 centimeter in distance i guess and it feels flat. the edges kinda looks brownish but please tell me that brown will go away.
well im not sure if im a fast healer but does drinking milk&&water help you heal faster?


Rest, sleep, proper nutrition, these are all things that will help wounds heal faster. Noone can say for sure whether or not you will have a scar, you will just have to give it some time to see the final result. There is no specific time on when it will heal, if you take care of it the correct way it should heal with no problems. I would advise discontinuing the use of alcohol. Soap and water are really the best thing for a wound and then a thin layer of antibiotic ointment left open to the air.

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