My ribs hurt when i yawn or stretch arms up high, why is this?!


My ribs hurt when i yawn or stretch arms up high, why is this?

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4 weeks ago
No, i don't smoke, i havn't fallen. I can't think of any pysical things i've done that could have caused this. I do tae kwon-do but i havn't done any sparring in a while, around three or four weeks ago. The pain only started around 2 days ago.


It is probably a muscle problem.
rub your chest with special creams such voltarin. take volatrin tablets 50 mg
keep your chest warm all the time.
take vitamin b12
this should really help
make sure to read the restriction before you take any medicine in-case you have some allergy or any other health problem
i hope you will feel better soon,

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