Suffering from sleepness night?!


Suffering from sleepness night?

Everyone I need your help.There is a friend of mine, she is suffering from sleepness night. First she can hardly sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, around 10-12 am,she went to sleep but she wake up at 2- 4 am and find herself hard to get to bed again.This problem have been giving her headache, tiredness,depression, and etc.The final solution is, she went to pharmacy and she bought medication from them. Is not a sleeping pill,slighty less dosage than sleeping pill. In my point of view that is a bad choice but she say it work. The side effect of this pill is that for every pill you consume u need to sleep at least 8 hour.If not,the next day she will get dizzy and blur sight.So I hope to find some Answer here to solve this problem,please no medication cause i don't believe it really solve the problem but instead causing more unhealthy effect by forcing your brain to sleep.And one more thing can you let me know the causes of this sleepness night. Please help me to help my friend


Medication is not the answer - your friend needs to get to the bottom of why this is happening.

Is she under stress - lying awake thinking about things or having an overactive brain will do this. She needs to get to the route of what she is worrying about and deal with it.

Then she should avoid alcohol and spicy food. Go to bed a little later (say 11) after a warm bath. Make sure the bedroom is dark enough, clutter free and a nice environment/ good temperature etc. No TVs, PC games etc.

The next bit is read a boring book for 10 mins - don't think about life and all its troubles. Lie down when eyes start to droop.

If she wakes during the night don't lie and fret. Pop an ipod on with some soothing music, try relaxation techniques and if this doesn't do the trick - get up, have a warm drink, read the boring book then start again.

A good routine will also help - same thing everynight. Pillow spray may also help - a few drops of lavender and the body will start to associate that with sleep.

If this doesn't improve urge your friend to go to her GP - there could always be an underlying health problem such as depression.

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