For the doctors out there?!


For the doctors out there?

OKay, I have a concave chest, upper more, near my neck almost. I know it runs in my family because my aunt also has it. In addition though, i have a rounded back (in other terms my shoulders fall forward instead of back) I was wondering if there is any way to correct my concave chest, i don't know if standing straighter will over time cure it. And please, i will not go through any surgeries for this.
Thanks for your help!


It is called Pectus Excavatum. It is a structural deformity in which the ribs that attach to your sternum overgrows. There is no way to correct it, sorry. You can try to strengthen the muscles that pull your shoulder blades together (the rhomboids) and the upper back extensors (erector spinae). This is one of the good things you can do to counteract the pull of gravity in your already compromised posture.

In addition to this, stretching your chest can minimize further shortening of your chest muscles. You can do this simply by holding your arms like this I__I (like a held up position), face a corner wall and pull your chest towards the inside of the corner to stretch your pectorals.

Good luck!

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