Deep localized bone pain?!


Deep localized bone pain?

Over past few months I have this very localized bone pain in lower to mid femur. Its only in one spot and the pain really doesn't radiate from it. However, when I press it, it is extremely painful. Also I notice it when I bump it into things the right way, it hurts extremely bad. I don't remember receiving any trauma there. I tend to notice it more at night it seems like. I also don't remember any big bruise or anything there. The pain is deep, and localized. Pressing on it is when I really feel the pain. You can tell its down at the bone also. Any ideas? I am 17 btw. It seems its a common age for certain types of bone cancer. Does it sound like it could be that? I am going to doctor this week.

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
I put the incorrect bone. I put the femur and ment Tibia. Sorry


Deep bone pain like that may not be cancer. There are various things that can cause it, and the only real way to find out which it is is to do what you are doing: Go to the doctor. A few months is long enough to know it is not a bruise.

Do not sweat it until you find out what it is. The most common cause is poor eating habits leading to either vitamin deficiency or low calcium storage in your bones.

In case you feel a need to compulsively worry... Causes of this sort of deep bone pain include both stuff that shows on an X-ray, and stuff that doesn't. They will take your blood too to see the things that are not really happening as part of your bone, but as part of your bone marrow.

Stuff that shows on an X-Ray:

It could just be growing pains.

Osteomalacia (that just translates to bad bones) caused by lack of vitamin D, sunshine, or weight bearing exercise.

If you have not kept up with your TB tests, and have been exposed, it can be TB in your bone.

It can be the result of an empty spot that happens in your bone from a blood clot. The clot kills a small bit of bone, and then it takes quite awhile for it to get right again. The clot need not have happened *right there*. Clots can travel from other parts of your body and stop things up in other places.

It can be a bone infection, same deal. Infection can be carried by your blood stream.

It could be bone cancer. It is rare, but it does happen, and you are right, you are in the age slot. I would not expect it though... Most people even your age with deep bone pain do not have bone cancer.

There are a few exotic diseases of metabolism that will cause deep bone pain and be visible on an X-ray, like sarcoidosis, in which a little space like the one from the blood clot has appeared, or sicle cell anemia, which will also allow those timy clots.

Stuff that will not show on an X-Ray:

If you have been sick lately, or have a chronic infection, it could be pain from your bone marrow... Working its butt off to provide you with immune cells... and swelling a bit.

It can be lead poisoning.

It can be leukemia, but that generally has more than one long bone to complain about, and a fever.

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