How do I cure an earache on a 4 year old?!


How do I cure an earache on a 4 year old?

I think my son has water in his ear from swimming. He wont let me touch it and it getting red behind his ear. Is there a home remedy that I could use to ease his discomfort. I gave him Motrin and he is resting but how do I get him better?


Home Care Dos and Don'ts

Since ear infections can be quite uncomfortable, pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and home remedies like a warm washcloth placed over the ear can ease the pain.

Be sure not to put drops in the ear, like sweet oil, deYbarrondo warns, because they can obscure or cloud the eardrum, making it difficult for the doctor to get a good look. They can also cause irritation.

And, best to hold off on Q-Tips: it just impacts the wax, and pushes it farther down. "Besides, wax is a good thing-it protects against swimmer's ear ( otitis externa ) and keeps the canal's natural acidity in balance, which prevents bacterial growth," de Ybarrondo says.

Infants who lie down while drinking from a bottle rather than propped up in Mother's arms are more prone to fluid backing up in the tubes. De Ybarrondo strongly discourages parents from leaving a baby alone with a baby bottle under any circumstances. And she reminds parents to hold their babies at some incline when feeding them, to let gravity do its work by letting fluid run downhill.

Secondhand smoke leaves its mark on the ears, as well. Children who live in homes where parents smoke are at risk for ear infection because the irritating smoke causes chronic inflammation of the eustachian tube.

If your child is in day care, please keep in mind that the more youngsters your child is exposed to, the more viral illnesses they will meet. "This is no reflection on the day care. No matter how many times the adults wash their hands between diapering or feeding, odds are still high that viruses are being passed around on toys and tabletops," de Ybarrondo says.

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