How do you hurt the tip of your radius in your wrist?!


How do you hurt the tip of your radius in your wrist?

If I press on it it hurts and if im not pressing on it, it hurts.
Doesn't hurt to bend wrist

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
its my left hand. I don't type much with my left hand.

4 weeks ago
and how to I make it heal?

4 weeks ago
Its been hurting since Monday!

4 weeks ago
and my wrist is more round then my right and has a bump. My right isn't bump in the same spot on my right


The radius is one of the two long bones of your forearm - the ulna is the other.

The end of these bones meet at the wrist and the elbow. At the wrist end, there are a bunch of smaller bones that make up the wrist and the base of the hand.

A bending thrust to the arm (like throwing a punch or breaking your fall) can injure the bones in the wrist, sometimes causing small fractures that would hurt with pressure.

You'd do well to have a doctor take a look-see and maybe x-ray it.

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