Can stress cause physical pain?!


Can stress cause physical pain?


Stress is actually a personal thing. It all can depend on what you are "stressing" over. So like if its major the pain might be major and if the stress is small the main may be minor.

Symptons of Stress:

Often stress management and, subsequently, stress relief are made difficult because symptoms are misdiagnosed. This is because stress can compound or be mistaken for other symptoms. This confusion is caused by the fact that stress is interrelated to physical, mental, behavioral and emotional conditions.Physical signs of stress can include fatigue, insomnia, muscle pain, heart palpitations, cramps, trembling, cold extremities and perspiration. Short attention spans, forgetfulness, indecisiveness, confusion and humorlessness are evidence of mental stress. Angry outbursts, crying, smoking, drinking, over eating and nervous nail-biting and foot tapping are symptoms of behavioral stress. While emotional stress can be seen in depression, worry, impatience, anxiety and nervousness.As you can see, there's overlap in these symptoms. And when you combine any of them with the "pain cycle of chronic stress," discussed later, getting to the root cause of stress and the pain it's triggering requires the talents of a skilled and insightful professional.

Pain Inducing Stress: Headaches

Headache pain is one of the most commonly associated physical symptoms of stress. The pressure and aching of a tension headache is the most typical. Stress is created by continuously tightening head and neck. muscles. Along with particular foods, stress can trigger migraine headaches that throb on one side of the head and can be severe and debilitating. Migraines are a kind of vascular headache which may be rooted in abnormalities in the brain's blood flow system.While stress causes other types of headaches, only migraine headaches affect the entire body. Reactions to migraine headache pain can include nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound and movement.Stress has also been know to set off sudden, severe cluster headaches which have a short duration, but can attack up to six times a day.

The Pain Cycle of Chronic Stress

Chronic back pain and conditions like arthritis, TMJ, bursitis, tendonitis, herniated disc, migraine headaches, sciatica, fibromyalgia, whiplash and carpal tunnel syndrome set off a chain reaction of physical and mental side effects. The persistent stress of chronic pain can affect the nervous and immune system. It can also intensify negative reactions to everyday stress. Coping with chronic pain can bring on depression, causing the brain to perceive even more pain, which subsequently creates even greater chronic stress. It's a vicious circle of stress and pain.

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