Broken Foot - Do I,Dont I?!


Broken Foot - Do I,Dont I?

You all gonna think this is a stupid question,cos surly you would know if you had a broken foot. Well I dont know. I was walking down the stairs and my ankle gave way. I have a weak ankle. Anyway my foot goes at an odd angle,and it hurt like hell. I got told by my ex its only a tqisted ankle and to stop being stupid.
The thing is now,the ankle doesn't hurt but the side in the middle of my foot does. Its thrubbing and everything. I can walk on it,but every step hurts. Now should I go to she doctors and see what it is or do I go straight to the hospital. Mind you the doctors ar all shut now anyway?

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4 weeks ago
Thanks everyone who has written in so far to say about going to see a doctor or goto the hospital. I am going to call the docs in the am and see what they recomend. Cos as of right now,it hurts more then when I first did it.


It's not a stupid question, you can actually fracture your foot just by walking on it. That's right you heard me. A stress fracture can be caused by walking alone. That's not to say go into a mad panic. The only way you will know for sure is by having an x ray at your nearest A and E, and it's worth going, because even if it is not a break you can get it dresed properly by a trained member of staff to give you better support. And analgesia if needed. Go straight to the hospital as this is only what your doc will say.
Hope all is well.
Oh yeah and your ex is stupid for trying to act like he knows everything. What qualifications does he have to say your being stupid? It's your health at the end of the day, not his.

Hope all goes well.

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