Does an IV hurt worse than a normal shot?!


Does an IV hurt worse than a normal shot?



It really depends on who's giving it. Some Doctor's and Nurse's are so bad. I, of course, do painless injections. LOL.

All injections and IV's hurt because the nerve recepters in the skin go into overload when stimulated by a sharp pain.
It also depends on where it is given or put in.

Examples. For injections.
Bottom muscles hardly hurts as it is the bodies major, big muscle.

Thigh muscles can hurt because we unconsciously tense up the muscle when we are expecting the injection. So ouch! Unless you don't know it's coming and then it's exactly like a bottom shot.

Arm muscles are neither here nor there. Some medications are thicker, like the Hep B shot, so hurt.


Back of the hand, can hurt a lot on some people as skin is so thin and nerves are just at the surface.

In the crease of the elbow hardly ever hurts, because it is a big vein and less nerve density and sensitivity.

Just beside, on top of or down the side of the wrist is a KILLER spot. NOW THAT'S PAINFUL. It's an awkward spot to get a vein and is full of nerves again at the surface.

The way to deal with injections or IV"s that works so fantastically is tell the Doc or Nurse to say just before they stab you that they are doing it "Now." Then take a nice, slow, controlled breath out of your lips. It works by making you and your body relax, so IV and needle insertion is quick and easy, And your brain is concentrating on other things.

Hope this is what you needed.

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