Really burn sunburn?!


Really burn sunburn?

I was out in the sun yesterday for several hours.. but unfornately I didn't put any protection on. What should I do?!!!! its on the back of my neck and on my face. Also on my forearms. Help.

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1 month ago
Really bad sunburn... excuse me. XD


Stay inside for the next few days so you don't add anymore damage to your skin.

For the pain right now, I suggest putting aloe vera on it, like everyone else says. Take it from someone who got burnt extremely bad last year, the best two products I found were Solarcaine Aloe Extra Sunburn Pain Relief Spray and Meijer brand Aloe Vera Gel. The Solarcaine worked wonders, even if it was a little more expensive than all the rest.

Don't forget to keep yourself hydrated. People tend to get dehydrated when they get sunburnt.

Take a cold shower. It'll hurt, but it seems to take the heat away from your skin.

Hope it feels better soon! :)

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