REALLY BAD sunburn. Please help me out.?!


REALLY BAD sunburn. Please help me out.?

I applied sunscreen and everything but somehow it wasn't enough. Must have washed off in the water, even though it claimed to be waterproof AND I reapplied!!!

My back/shoulders/chest/face/arms are all sunburned.
It's really painful. And I'm scared because I know that I've just increased my chances of getting skin cancer.

I've done a black tea compress (soaking a towel in black tea and applying it to the area). Currently I am using an aloe vera gel spray called 'Sooth-a-caine', which seems to be relieving a bit of pain.

I'm hoping that by keeping the area moisturized, I will avoid peeling and the burn will just turn into a tan, taking the pain away as well?
True or am I completely wrong?

Can i take pain medications for the sunburn?

Any help will be very appreciated. I don't know much about sunburns, other than the fact that they are not nearly as harmless as most people choose to believe.



get some aloe vera, and rub it all over, and then take some ibuprofen, then probably a nap on your un burnt side, you should feel better, and drink lots of water to help hydrate yourself, and your body

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