How can I tell if you sprained or strained my wrist?!


How can I tell if you sprained or strained my wrist?

because on the side by my thumb but down more hurts where my wrist and forearm meet and if I press on that spot it makes it hurt more. Or just randomly it will have pain.


Additional Details

1 month ago
I don't know how I did it. I noticed that it was hurt yesterday. During yesterday my wrist would hurt and then stop but later hurt again.

1 month ago
maybe a little swelling


how long ago did you do it? how did you do it? info woman.

it could be strained. it could also be tendonitis. try keeping your wrist still and icing it down. take some motrin (or any ibuprofen) to help with the swelling. if it continues to hurt you should see a doctor.

larsor- strains are acute muscle or tendon injuries while sprains are acute ligament injuries

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