Shoulder Injury?!


Shoulder Injury?

So about two months ago I was doing push ups on handle bars that you can buy. I pushed myself to do as many as I could and my shoulder hurt afterwards. I was dumb and not thinking about it kept working out on it lifting weights etc. It started to hurt when i would sleep on it and if I lifted some things or take a very deep breath. So I have taken the last couple weeks off and have iced it several times. It still hurts though and I'm wondering if anyone knows what I did and what i need to do to help it heal better. Thank you!


Your rotator cuff is a group of four small but major muscles or better known as the SITS muscles. The muscles are as follows S=Supraspinatus, I=Infraspinatus, T=Teres Minor, S= Subscapularis. The tendons of these muscles make up a cuff that forms on the end of your arm bone (humerus). These muscles are small muscles in your shoulder that you tend to forget to strengthen when you are in the gym, therefore, the other shoulder muscles will over-power the rotator cuff muscles and may cause injury. The primary function of the rotator cuff muscles are internal and external rotation. Activities that may use these functions are throwing, swimming, any overhead work, racquet sports, just to name a few.
Having been through rotator cup surgery in January it sounds like your pain is very similar to what I was experiencing. The only way a doctor can tell is with a MRI. Have your doctor send you to a reputable orthapedic surgeon.

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