Contact lenses?!


Contact lenses?

How do I take them out ,put them in ect? I am new to this and getting them in the morning


It takes practice. Took me over an HOUR to get them on the first few times. After practice it took me 5 min to put both on.
Just remember to take your time, go slow and stay calm, even if the contact wont come out at that moment.

First take the contact and put it in the palm of your hand. Put a few drops of solution on the it. Then with the other hand take a dry finger tip and place the contact on it.
Then hold your eye open with the other hand (i just opened my eyes wide, i didnt need to prop my eye open but some people need to). Then very lightly just tap the contact on your eye. If you press to hard the contact stays on your finger tip so you have to just set the contact on your eye.
To get contacts out make sure your eyes are moist.
Use contact rewetting solution in your eye if your eyes are dry. Then just sweep the contact downwards and try to basically fold it out of your eye. Brush it downwards with any clean finger tip and grab it as it folds.
Try again and again. If it ever moves and you cant find it. Grab your upper eye lid and pull the lid away from your eye and peek up there to see if the contact folded up there. I had that happen many times.

Note: when you place the contact on your eye it will naturally center itself. Just close your eye and it centers.

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