Is this pain in my eyeballs normal???!


Is this pain in my eyeballs normal???

I lost my glasses two days ago and I was driving and watching TV without my glasses and today i got a killer headache so there was a lot of pressure on my eyeballs!! I had to go to sleep and now I found my glasses and i have them on but my eyes feel like a lot of pressure and hurt a lot!!!I dont know if its because of the glasses or because of my chronic dry eyes... they are so dry it hurts so much!!! it hurts a lot a lot... i changed from gel to eyedrops two days when i lost my glasses so i dont know what is the cause!!!...
i have an appointment with the doc in 2 weeks...but what should i do???


The headache, my guess, is a result of eye strain...that's how my eye strain headaches start.

My advice would be to see if you can move up your doc appointment to sooner than 2 weeks (I go nutz with any pain, especially around my eyes). If you can get in earlier, that would be better than living with the discomfort, and any treatment can be started sooner.

You mention you have dry eyes...keep them lubricated until your appointment...and try Tylenol or Motrin for your headache. I'm not sure chronic dry eyes and the pressure and headache are related. But do try to get in earlier. you didn't mention if your appointment was with your regular doctor or an eye doctor. If it is with an eye doctor, go see your family physician...sometimes they have a little more "pull" to get you in sooner if they feel there is a problem other than the dry eyes, yet related to the eyes. If the appointment is with your family doctor...I'd get it moved up...I do not think it sounds urgent or emergent...but definitely uncomfortable enough to warrant a sooner appointment.

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