My eyes get bloodshot in the sun?!


My eyes get bloodshot in the sun?

I don't wear contacts or glasses or sunglasses or never used to...
whenever I'm in the sun, whether I'm outside or inside but exposed to the sun, my eyes get extremely red. Now I think it is getting worse because yesterday I was outside all day and of course my eyes got red all over, and the next morning (today) my eyes are still red. I don't have other symptoms though. My eyes weren't even bothering me yesterday. I wouldn't have noticed if my dad hadn't pointed it out.
Please help, my family is getting kind of worried.


What happens when your skin is exposed to too much U.V? It gets sunburned and red. Same can happen with your eyes, if you don't have ultraviolet protection.

Also, you don't happen to have a tiny yellowish spot on either side of your iris, do you? If so, it could be pinguiculum (pin-gweck-you-lum), a sort of 'callous' on the eye from too much sun exposure. If you have this little spot (sometimes, a raised little bump), it won't ever go away. However, it can become irritated and cause redness when exposed to sunlight.

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