Those who wear glass off and on will get more eye-ache. Why?!


Those who wear glass off and on will get more eye-ache. Why?


The short answer is that you are over-working your eyes when you remove your glasses.

In a relaxed state the normal eye is focused for distance vision. To see objects closer than about 20 feet away the natural crystalline lens within the eye changes shape. This process is called accommodation.

When an object is within about three feet, the eyes point toward each other to both align to the object. This process is called conversion.

When accommodating and converging, the pupil of the eye constricts to provide greater depth of focus. This is constriction.

The process of accommodation, convergence, and constriction is normally not a problem for people under about the age of 40 and with normal eyes. Vision very near and to infinity is in clear focus.

If you wear glasses your eye is either too long (myopic, nearsighted, shortsighted), too short (hyperopia, farsighted, longsighted) or astigmatic (uneven cornea). With glasses on your eyes are working within the normal range of accommodation, convergence, and constriction. If you remove your glasses your eyes must work harder than normal to bring objects into focus. This can cause headaches, eye ache, migraines, nausea, vertigo, loss of balance, and many other problems..

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